
When Can the Check Engine Light Turn On?

Warning lights are basically indicators that are supposed to alert the driver regarding certain disorders that is taking place in any of the aspects of a vehicle. Mostly they appear on the dashboard and are prominently visible to the one who manages the wheels.

The Check Engine is one of such warning lights that turns on of its own, whenever something goes wrong in the engine compartment, or anywhere that is directly related to the working of the engine. As the system goes, the check engine light turns on automatically with all other lights, when you first start the car, and then disappear within seconds, as soon as the vehicle starts moving. But if it gets turned on in the middle of your drive and stays back, it is actually serving the purpose of alerting you regarding some issues that has cropped up in the engine and its related compartments, explained the chief mechanic of the department of Boise check engine light repair.

He further went on showing us all those reasons that trigger the “check engine” light to get turned on. He also demonstrated that, the “check engine” light will get turned on stay still, if the issue is not much severe. But if the “check engine” light starts blinking, it is a sure sign of greater trouble that might ask for expensive repairs and replacement.

Loosened Gas Cap:

The first and foremost reason he showed us that turns on the “check engine” light automatically, is when the gas cap loosen down or falls from its place. Sometimes, a crack in the cap makes it loose, and as a result, the costly fuel starts spilling out of its reservoir. When the onboard diagnostic system in the vehicle detects this issue, it automatically turns on the “check engine” light to alert the driver for the same.

Fused Spark Plugs or Disconnected Wiring:

 At times, the “check engine” light might turn up because of a disconnected wiring or a fused spark plug. It is a fault that stops the engine from getting ignited and hence, the vehicle will eventually stop, since the engine is not able to work any longer. In both the cases, the onboard diagnostic system after detecting the issue starts sending signals to the car user through the “check engine” light.

Damaged Catalytic Converter:

When you see the “check engine” light flashing or blinking, it could be a sign of a serious issue like the damage of the catalytic converter. A faulty catalytic converter will not be able to convert the fuel into the energy with which the vehicle will run. Hence, the vehicle will start showing a stark difference in performance wherein it will be unable to pick up the required speed, even after engaging the accelerator too often. At a certain point of time, it will come to a total failure and the vehicle will refuse to get started and move forward.

So, if the “check engine” light turns on or starts flickering, it must never be ignored and be addressed by a professional, suggested the mechanic of the renowned center for CEL testing & diagnosis near Boise with whom we had this discussion.

Wayne Blanchard
the authorWayne Blanchard