
How Acura Assists Us with Our Car Maintenance and Servicing

Drive home an Acura model and it will take care of itself. If that is what you expect, then well, you are almost right. At the first level, the Acura model you purchase will ask very little care from you, and the basic maintenance that it needs will be taken care of the manufacturer itself, provided you allow them to help you.

For us, it was the Henderson Acura service center from where we not only purchased our Acura car, but it is the service center run by them where we always visit, whenever we need to carry out the regular maintenance schedules.  It is now more than a couple of years that we are using the Acura model, and at every occasion, when we required help to maintain good health for our car, we relied only on the Acura service center for everything, and we never had to regret our decision.

Here we would like to share with you the fact how Acura assists us with our car maintenance and servicing.

They Remind Us

We knew that we were bad at remembering schedules. So, when the Acura service center offered us the reminder service, we simply jumped at the opportunity to relax. We subscribed to this service and now, it has become the responsibility of the service center to remind us about the upcoming maintenance schedule, and all we have to do is agreeing to their suggestions.

Investigation and Diagnosis

If there is an issue with the car that is affecting its performance ability, the best way to regain it, is handing it over to the trained professionals of an Acura service center.  There everything will start only after the process of a thorough investigation that will diagnose the root cause of the impairment.

Doorstep Pickup and Delivery

Once we are reminded about the upcoming schedule for our car maintenance, we had to do nothing but agree to their doorstep pickup and delivery option that freed us from the hazard of visiting the service center, unless a test drive becomes mandatory. There we were also told the fact, that unless we handover our car to them for a major mechanical repair, like the engine or the brakes, we can simply sit back and relax at the comfort of our home, and they will deliver the car back to us at our doorstep.

 But if there is a case where the car needs to be tested if the repair work has taken good effect, the Acura service center will request you to take a test drive before accepting the car back, and they prefer to do it at their own premise, so that there is no scope for an accident or harming lives or properties.

Guarantee of Repair Services

At the Henderson Acura service department, we were assured that once we choose an Acura authorized auto service center, every repair service will be guaranteed by the brand, since only OEM or factory approved parts will be used as replacement, and only factory trained professionals will handle our car.

Wayne Blanchard
the authorWayne Blanchard